The benefits of a Digital Veterinary Practice
Today, we can not deny that digital transformation is already an unstoppable process. This is why we must work to adapt and take advantage of what it has to offer. One of the main benefits we see in veterinary practices is the digitalization of medical records and how we store everything related to the patient.
Formerly, paper was the only way to store this information, but now we have management programs to do this work for us. Even knowing it, it’s sometimes difficult to change the workflow that has been established in our practice for a few years already. For this reason, in this article, we will see what are the most outstanding benefits of becoming a #paperlessclinic.
Cloud technology enables quick access to patient records for more coordinated and efficient care. The files can not be lost and can be accessed by more users simultaneously from different devices. In this way, veterinarians, groomers, and receptionists can work simultaneously.
Having all the medical records organized in one place helps providers diagnose patients more effectively, reduce medical errors, and provide safer care.
Although calligraphy is an art, sometimes with the rush or stress of the clinic, it is challenging to read some records or medical history of the patient during consultations for both the client and the pharmacist who precedes it.
We can all read and understand any advice, reminder, or record written on a computer, which is essential in medical care. This also quickly translates to better communication with the client. Electronic Health Records promote legible, complete documentation and accurate, streamlined coding and billing.
Digitalized veterinary practices do not waste time searching, filling, or deleting data from old records. In addition, they save space by fully computerizing their medical records. A digital system enables providers to improve efficiency and meet their business goals while reducing costs through decreased paperwork, improved safety, reduced duplication of testing, and improved health.
A template-based approach means you’re less likely to skip necessary protocol steps. EHRs provide the ability to exchange complete health information about a patient in real-time. Accurate, up-to-date, and thorough information naturally leads to a higher quality of care, from better diagnoses to reduced errors. By sending automatic reminders for preventative visits and screenings, EHRs can help patients better manage their conditions and participate more fully in their healthcare.
Less paper means less consumption of natural resources, something that more clients consider when deciding what brands or companies to choose. The eco-friendly movement also represents a significant saving of space in the veterinary practice.
Typing notes seems slow and tedious for some veterinarians, making handwriting seem more comfortable. However, new tech for some veterinarians, such as Snippets that you can integrate Digital, allows you to write using shortcuts. Through this application we can create personalized shortcuts so that the message we want to write appears instantly.
The advantage of implementing Electronic Health Records is an outflow of better-coordinated care. A digital system enables more efficient patient visits, eliminates redundant checkups, and facilitates more straightforward documentation. All of these aspects add to cost savings for veterinarians and vet practices, as well as for patients and their insurance companies.
The benefits and challenges of paperless practice: VETERINARY ECONOMICS
What are the advantages of electronic health records: HEALTHIT.GOV
Benefits of Electronic Health Records: USF HEALTH