Tails AI

Tails AI

Digitail introduces Tails AI

Your ultimate AI-Powered Veterinary Assistant built right into your practice management software!

Use AI technology to advance the way you practice and deliver care


Tails Dictate AI

A voice-to-text solution for quick SOAP notes and exam summaries, including virtual appointments.


Tails AI Assistant

Summarizes patient histories, assists in diagnosis and treatment planning, and generates personalized client communication.


Tails AI Patient Intake

Collects patient information and history before the visit, summarized into the record automatically.

Provide Comprehensive Patient Care in Seconds

Tails streamlines patient care by swiftly summarizing medical histories and pinpointing breed-specific risk factors, while also simplifying documentation through voice-to-text capabilities.

Enhance Diagnostic Precision

With Tails’ AI-powered support, get insights on differential diagnoses based on clinical signs, enabling quicker and more informed decision-making.

Save Time and Improve Client Communication

Tails saves valuable time by automating tasks like patient intake, record-keeping, summarizing patient histories, and discharge notes, delivering personalized client experience.

Quick and Detailed Patient Records

Tails can listens and transcribe appointments, summarizing and organizing them directly into a SOAP to create robust medical records, saving you hours a day.


Optimize your practice and improve the quality of patient care:

  • Streamline practice operations, enabling you to focus on what matters most—delivering exceptional care to your patients.
  • Automate administrative tasks like appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups, to facilitate seamless communication with pet owners
  • Optimize your workflow and enhance the overall client experience
  • Analyze patient symptoms and provide valuable insights and potential diagnoses based on relevant patient details
  • Serve as a valuable resource for initial assessment and guidance to aid in your decision-making process

Interested in learning more about Tails & AI?

Book a meeting with an AI expert below to learn more